
Tiruppavai 21

Nappinnai opens the door and joins the gathering of the Gopis.

She says, “I was not being indifferent. I waited for the right time to advocate your cause.” The Gopikas are overjoyed.

Andal submits to Krishna:

“O Supreme Lord! You have the unique combination of having both compassion and power, which are usually mutually exclusive. It ensures your vow of giving refuge to all those who surrender to you. You have guaranteed earlier that those who understand the truth of Your avatara rahasya, will certainly reach You. (Gita)
You are the Paravasudeva!
You are Vyuha avatara!
You are Rama and Krishna!
You manifest yourself as deities in temples! You are our Antaryami!
We have come here in all humility, devoid of all attachments, seeking refuge in Your lotus feet.”


 Thirupavai 7

The sleep of the gopikas are different from ours. We are sleeping out of ignorance of God. Sleep means being ignorance of the surroundings. We are ignorant of our swarupam of being ‘shesha’ to God. Gopis are sleeping out of knowledge of their swarupa. They are sleeping out of ignorance of the material pleasures and knowledge of their relationship with Krishna.

या निशा सर्वभूतानां तस्यां जागर्ति संयमी।

यस्यां जाग्रति भूतानि सा निशा पश्यतो मुनेः।।2.69।।

That which is night to all beings, in that the self-controlled man is awake; when all beings are awake, that is night for the Muni (sage) who sees.


Tiruppavai 06 Andal: “wake up, girl! Don’t you hear the divine sound of the conch?! Wake up saying the names of Hari.” She goes on to describe the five forms of the Lord. Param (in Srivaikuntha with Sridevi, Bhoodevi and Niladevi) , Vyuham (in ksheersagara, lying down half asleep on the Adisesha), Vibhavam (the avataras he manifests in like Rama and Krishna), Archa (as deities in temples) and antaryami (ensconced in the lotus of everyone’s heart)



Tiruppavai 20 Getting no answer, Andal realises they must have been really tired and asleep. She tries to wake up Nappinnai and Krishna again, with humility. She first addresses Krishna: “O Krishna!! Wake up! You are in the forefront of all the devas, preventing and removing all their fears. You possess all benevolent qualities. You are Sarvaloka sharanya — the sole refuge for the all the worlds.” Turning to Nappinnai she says, “O lady of incomparable beauty! O Lakshmi! You are the repository of all good qualities! Please wake up! We beseech you to give us the fan, the mirror and your dear Lord as well, to complete our vow and serve you. Please help us to prepare for the ceremonial bath now itself.”